This is a free bonus DISC report for 2 people that is designed to help them work more effectively together through understanding each person's unique qualities and personality traits.

Who can use this free disc profile report?
This helpful bonus report is available for any two people
who already have Discovery Reports. This report is primarily for adults, but may also be used for teens and children as well. Just fill in the form below.
Need a Discovery Report for someone else? Visit our online store.
You can view a sample of the Discovery Report InterACTION Guide here.
More Information on the Interaction Guide DISC Profile Report
- Free bonus disc report for any two people who already have Discovery Reports
- Reviews each of your personality
- Features Interaction Guides to help each person relate to the other person better
- Features summary charts to compare your personality styles "at-a-glance"
- Useful for personal or business relationships
- 11-pages long
- Printer friendly
- Interactive - you are able to change the primary traits that you want to compare for each person to obtain the appropriate interaction guides (Example: You can choose options to know how to interact when one person is in "D-mode" and the other person is in "C-mode.")
- Better than a compatibility report, because it helps YOU to adapt to become compatible with the other person. After all, you can't control anyone else. You can just control yourself. :-)
A Few Guidelines for using the Discovery Report InterACTION Guide
- Use this report as a tool with the mindset that anything that will help your relationship is worth the effort.
- Read this report with the other person in mind. Remember, you are trying to understand the other person better in order to adapt your behavior to their needs. Focus on what you can do, not what they need to do.
- Ask the other person to look this report over. They may not agree with what the report says about them entirely. That is normal. The report is not perfect. They can clarify their preferences and motivations.
- Realize that the other person's natural personality style may differ from what you observe. This feedback is based primarily on each person's "basic style" - which is a person's natural, built-in personality. Each person also has an "environment style" which is how he or she adapts in daily life ( his or her environment). For example, a person may display different personality traits at work versus at home. So, while the other person's report may not seem to fit what you observe in them, it may give you a better picture of their natural personality style.
- Review this Relationship Feedback report with the other person. Use this as an opportunity to interact and communicate with each other. Be open, honest and positive.
You also might be interested in DISC Team Charts!
If you are not already using our team charting tool (also free), then click on the button below to learn how to graph everyone on your team for an "at-a-glance" view. This tool will give you terrific insights into the dynamics of your group or team in a visual way.
