Acme Services
Access code: ASPI-SAMPLE, completed 2013-01-08 , Adult Standard Version 2.2
DISCLAIMER: This report is for educational and self-awareness purposes only. The content herein is based on general trait tendencies of the D/I personality style. This report is NOT intended to provide data, advice or guidance for diagnostic, health, legal, financial, or psychological purposes. If such advice or data is required, then a qualified professional should be sought. All parties associated with this report are to be held harmless from any and all liabilities, demands, claims, actions or suits that may be asserted related to the use of information contained herein.
When you are able to ...
1) Understand yourself
2) Understand others
3) Adapt your style to theirs
then you can experience:
Better RESULTS and more success in
what you do
More FUN in life and better friendships with people
PEACE and harmony with those you care about
less frustration when working with people
Joe, we will be using a concept called the "DISC" Model of Human Behavior in this report. Each letter (D, I, S and C) represents a main personality style. The DISC model is based on the fact that most people have predictable patterns of behavior. The first pattern reflects whether a person is more OUTGOING or RESERVED. The second pattern reflects whether a person is more TASK-ORIENTED or PEOPLE-ORIENTED. The two patterns can be visualized in two circular diagrams with opposing traits and then combined into one diagram as shown below.
The circular diagram in Step 3 has four sections like a pie. Each section is a combination of two traits that can be described by the letters D, I, S and C. The main words that we use to describe each personality style are Dominant (D), Inspiring (I), Supportive (S) and Cautious (C) as shown below.
Each Person is a UNIQUE BLEND of ALL FOUR traits. Your assessment shows that your personality blend is: "D/I." You will learn more about your "D/I" blend in your Discovery Report.
Personality Chart for Joe |
High |
Circle Graph for Joe |
Congratulations, Joe! Your personality style blend is D/I. By having a DOMINANT / INSPIRING personality style, you're a person who seeks to lead - who likes to be in charge and get results quickly! You like producing tangible results. Your strengths are in generating high energy and action to get results. A graph of your personality style is shown to the right.
Note: This graph represents your D/I Style Blend. Please look in the "Graphs" section of this report to see your detailed graphs along with an explanation on how to understand your graphs.
"D" is the highest on the chart. You are task-oriented and outgoing. The Exclamation Mark is your symbol. You are extremely gifted at getting tasks done quickly. By being a visionary, you achieve your goals through people. Next, notice that in your graph, the I area is above the midline. That means your I traits will support your primary type which is D. I traits are usually where you go under stress. Consider that some short-term solutions create long-term problems. The S and C areas in your graph are below the midline. These are blind spots in your life. Acting on these traits will accelerate your success and help you gain respect with others.
Please keep in mind these words may describe you more or less depending on the situation. If you feel that some of the words above describe you very well, then circle them. If you feel like some of the words do not describe you well, simply cross them out. This information is usually 85-95% accurate, but you are welcome to mark it up to match your unique personality style.
This report is NOT meant to label you! It is designed to HELP you UNDERSTAND and DISCover yourself. You can enjoy your unique personality and your strengths!
The following section describes Joe's strengths based on the D/I personality blend. These strengths represent qualities resulting from blending the D, I, S and C personality traits. Remember, everyone is a unique blend of all four styles. In other words, everyone has some of each of the four major personality styles.
Determined, Energetic and Outgoing
Joe prefers to be on the go and prefers doing multiple tasks with people. Joe enjoys getting results by working with people to achieve goals. Joe looks for opportunities and is eager to get started on the next project.
Enthusiastic Leader:
Joe can work with others in a fast-paced environment. Joe knows how to get people moving toward a goal. Joe works hard and inspires others to do their best.
The following section describes Joe's keys to maintain balance and excellence in life based on the dynamics of the D/I personality blend. These keys are important in adapting to the needs and perspective of others. Practicing these insights will cultivate teamwork, productivity, harmony and understanding with others.
Be Patient With People
Your mindset is "let's go now!" Not everyone will want to move as fast as you do. Be patient with people who prefer to take their time.
Adjust Your Pace
Adjust your pace and energy to those you interact with. Some people respond better to high energy and some people respond better in a calm environment.
Inspire Others to Grow as Leaders
Inspire others to grow by encouraging them to take on leadership roles for future development.
Consider Your Words
Be aware of your tone and intensity level when you communicate. Most people are sensitive to HOW things are said just much as they are to WHAT is being said.
Joe's Main Strength:
You are great at working on projects that require a leader who will take charge, have intense drive and create enthusiastic energy. |
Main Motivation: Producing tangible results through influence with people
Individual Talents and Gifts: Self-motivation, high energy to get results with people
Value as a Team Member: Initiates activities, motivates others to action
Ideal Environment: Where quick decisions are required; varied activities and roles with people
Key to Motivate: Authority to take risks to achieve results; no close supervision; excitement and prestige; opportunity to work hard and play hard; a new challenge
Keys to Manage: While working with others: D/I style blends need the ability to adjust personal intensity to match the situation; to be confronted when they break the rules; an appreciation of slower-pace people; periods of reduced activity to relieve stress
How You Act Best Under Pressure (your perception): Competitive; confident; pioneering; assertive; positive; winner
How Others May MISUNDERSTAND and MISREAD Your Actions Under Pressure (if they do not understand you): Egotistical; nervy; demanding; controlling; aggressive; opinionated
Things to be aware of (possible blind spots): Short term solutions creating long term problems
Complementary Personality Styles: S/CD, S/C, S/I, C/S
Based on your D/I personality blend, others can work more effectively with you by being aware of your basic style. This section is intended for others to be able to refer to in order to work more effectively with you.
The EASIEST way to work with Joe (or anyone with the D/I blend) is to:
Use their jargon; be open; provide probability of success and effectiveness of options; give "strokes" for involvement; understand their sporadic listening skills.
The LEAST EFFECTIVE way to work with Joe (or anyone with the D/I blend) is to:
Be redundant; ask useless questions; ramble or waste time; direct or order; assume that they have heard what you said; distract their minds from business when accomplishing tasks.
The following section describes your "Basic Style" which is how you behave most naturally. Everyone has areas that he or she is strong in and areas where there could be personal growth. The following section contains insights into your basic motivation and behavior.
As a person having a D/I style blend, you naturally act assertive, persuasive and responsive with others, because you want control, variety and at times, approval. It requires more self-control for you to remain calm at times, because you are a person who likes to take action. You are least comfortable when you perceive that you may face losing or being forced to conform. Remember: The keys to your success are being respected by others and staying under control. Adapt to others by BEING COOPERATIVE and choosing to be SUPPORTIVE at times.
The following section describes how you tend to communicate and interact with others. Naturally, you like to communicate in a way that is most comfortable to you. Others may or may not understand you or your motivation. This page is designed to shed light on how your personality influences the way you communicate with others. Please note that the following statements include areas for growth.
Because you have a D/I style blend, you communicate forcefully and at times informally. Others can perceive you as being pushy, talkative, impatient and unorthodox - especially if they do not understand you. Because you have a D/I style blend, you naturally want an environment that is results-oriented and people-oriented. You typically are motivated by challenges, positive feedback and new opportunities. Remember: The key to your success is to be under-control in order to get the results you desire. Do this by LISTENING more and communicating in a friendly manner with SOFTER TONES.
Communication Tip: Communicate effectively and act intelligently by adapting your words and actions to the personality style of others.
The following section describes your decision-making style and what tends to be important to you. Your personality style influences how you make decisions based on your priorities. These insights reflect your most natural behavior when faced with choices.
Because you have a D/I style blend, your basic priorities in decision-making are power, control and people. In making decisions, your focus will be on the goal. At times, you want to win the approval of others. You make decisions to be innovative and promote change. You will usually decide quickly. You tend to interact with others while exploring your feelings in order to solve problems and persuade others. Remember: The key to you accomplishing your goals and being respected is to base more of your decisions on FACTS, CONSISTENCY and LOGIC.
Understanding your decision-making style can help you become more successful in balancing the issues involved in a situation while interacting with the people who are affected by your decisions.
The following section offers insights about how your personality style blend may influence your professional life. In order to be the best YOU possible, it is important to maximize your strengths while, at the same time, minimizing your weaknesses.
This feedback is primarily based on your strongest traits. Consider this section with a mindset of leveraging your strengths in order to bring about the best results possible.
The following section offers insights about how your personality style blend may influence your professional life in a long-term manner. The focus here is to provide input to you which will not only help you be more successful now, but may also help you to compensate in areas that might otherwise hold you back from achieving your full potential. This feedback is designed to make you more aware of areas that are related to your less-predominant traits. Consider this section with the mindset that learning to adapt your behavior in these areas will result in maximizing your success.
The Main Thing to Remember:
Joe, because your primary
style is D
Please remember to:
pace your presentation to their style.
Your Keys to Success:
Joe, when you are communicating with others, it is important to remember the other person may have a different personality style than you do. Consider your possible blind spots, and remember the following when you present:
1) Don't push.
2) Give him or her time to process and think.
3) Use softer tones.
Next, let's see how to relate to the 4 basic personality styles ...
Joe, because your primary
style is D,
Please remember the following when communicating with a D-Style person:
1) Emphasize opportunities, results or solutions.
2) Look at the bottom line.
3) Be businesslike and direct.
INSIGHT: Be confident and sure of yourself. He or she may be forceful. Show strength. Be direct. Emphasize results. Remember to help this D-Style person feel that he or she is not being taken advantage of.
Joe, because your primary
style is D,
Please remember the following when communicating with an I-Style person:
1) Emphasize enjoyment and people's success with your service.
2) Look at the recognition that he or she can receive with your information.
3) Be more friendly and upbeat.
INSIGHT: Be enthusiastic and complimentary. He or she may talk and exaggerate a lot. Listen and don't try to control the conversation or prove your point. Remember to help this I-Style person feel accepted, not rejected.
Joe, because your primary
style is D,
Please remember the following when communicating with an S-Style person:
1) Emphasize team support.
2) Look at reliability and minimize challenges.
3) Be personable.
INSIGHT: Be sensitive. Let him or her share feelings. Don't interrupt. Let him or her finish talking before you talk. Remember to help this S-Style person feel secure.
Joe, because your primary
style is D,
Please remember the following when communicating with a C-Style person:
1) Emphasize validating materials.
2) Look at and give time to analyze hard data.
3) Be patient and logical.
INSIGHT: Be factual and make sure of your facts. Ask for suggestions. Be open and respectful. Give details concerning problems. Be precise and methodical. Remember to not criticize or appear to criticize this C-Style person.
How to relate best to someone who is primarily Dominant:
They want to know: | WHAT |
If they are interested, they will: | CHALLENGE YOU |
They want you to: | BE DIRECT |
Because they will: | DECIDE QUICKLY |
They want to be in control, and they will only decide about a matter if they can see how it relates to their goals. Their main motivation will probably be to solve some sort of problem or achieve something. Leadership with this personality style is primarily about presenting solutions that are relevant to them.
Phrases to use: (encourage their eagerness to lead)
You are in charge.
I have confidence in you.
You have complete authority to make it happen.
I'll give you whatever resources you need to meet the goal.
I know that, if anyone can handle this situation, it's you.
What do you need to move ahead?
What would you like to do next?
Your leadership in this matter is critical.
See what solutions you can come up with, and go with whatever you think
is best.
In Summary:
Their issue
is POWER. They will DECIDE in order to SOLVE PROBLEMS, because their
focus is THE GOAL.
Note: Review the page on Communication with a D-Style to know how to say things in a way that they will be receptive to. Adapt your style to their personality needs.
How to relate best to someone who is primarily Inspirational:
They want to know: | WHO |
If they are interested, they will: | TELL YOU HOW THEY FEEL |
They want you to: | BE EXCITED |
Because they will: | DECIDE EMOTIONALLY |
Their priority of people means that they want to feel good about you and the people you are associated with. Be excited with them. Talk energetically with them about other people, interesting stories and fun things to do. Leadership of this personality style is primarily about moving enthusiastically with them toward short-term goals that involve dynamic interaction with people.
Phrases to use: (encourage their energy with people)
Who can we get together to work on this project?
Who would you like to have on your team?
We are looking for someone with energy and enthusiasm like you!
How soon can you pull together a meeting with everyone?
Can you help me with some ideas to get this started?
I'm so excited that we get to work together!
You add so much fun to everything!
What would be a good way to reward ourselves when we reach our first goal?
Thank you for your positive attitude and outlook!
In Summary:
Their issue is PEOPLE. They will INTERACT in order to PERSUADE OTHERS, because
their focus is THE POPULAR.
Note: Review the page on Communication with an I-Style to know how to say things in a way that they will be receptive to. Adapt your style to their personality needs.
How to relate best to someone who is primarily Supportive:
They want to know: | HOW |
If they are interested, they will: | TAKE THEIR TIME |
They want you to: | BE SINCERE |
Because they will: | DECIDE SLOWLY |
They want predictability, and they will need a friendly, comfortable environment to be in. Give them reassurance that what you are suggesting will be a good experience for them and others. They do not want to venture out of their comfort zone, so don't push or force anything. Leadership of this style is about being sincere and giving gentle encouragement to take small steps in a safe direction.
Phrases to use: (remember to be sincere, patient and supportive)
Thank you so much for helping me on this.
How about if we just take a small step and try this approach to see how
it works?
Your contribution is so important. Everyone appreciates your input.
It's ok to make a choice; we can always change our approach later on if
we need to.
Let's work on this together, and we can help each other.
Someone will be there to personally guide you through the process.
You can handle this - I have confidence in you. You can do it.
That seems to be a very safe and sensible approach.
Do you mind if we try
it out?
In Summary:
Their issue is PREDICTABILITY. They will SEEK A STABLE ROUTINE in order
to MAINTAIN STATUS QUO, because their focus is THE ACCEPTED.
Note: Review the page on Communication with an S-Style to know how to say things in a way that they will be receptive to. Adapt your style to their personality needs.
How to relate best to someone who is primarily Cautious:
They want to know: | WHY |
If they are interested, they will: | ASK QUESTIONS |
They want you to: | BE CREDIBLE |
Because they will: | DECIDE CAREFULLY |
Their priority for procedure and logic means that they will need good reasons why going in a particular direction makes sense. This personality style naturally asks questions as a way of thinking things through. Their areas of interest or focus may be very specific, so be patient as you answer questions. Leadership of this personality style is about being logical and providing enough time and information for them to think through options.
Phrases to use: (provide information, build credibility, be patient)
Our research shows that this is a good option.
What is the best option in your opinion?
What other information can I provide to help you?
What factors are most important to you right now?
You have done excellent work so far.
How can we apply what you have learned?
What do you see as the next step that needs to be taken?
How much time do you think you will need to think this over?
What are you
most concerned about at this point?
In Summary:
Their issue is PROCEDURE. They will SEEK FACTS in order to UPHOLD PRINCIPLES,
because their focus is THE RULES.
Note: Review the page on Communication with a C-Style to know how to say things in a way that they will be receptive to. Adapt your style to their personality needs.
(D) Style People Emphasize: |
(I) Style People Emphasize: |
With CAUTIOUS (C) Style
People Emphasize: |
Style People Emphasize: |
Remember: Emphasize what others are interested in! |
Graph (How People See You) |
Basic Graph ( The Real You) |
Circle Graph (Basic at-a-glance) |
Very High |
53 81 17 54 |
71 68 23 46 |
Blend = D/I |
The bar graphs above show levels for your D, I, S and C personality traits. The higher the level of the trait, the stronger it is. The graph on the left is called Your Environment Graph which shows how people see you. It shows how you tend to act with other people in your environment. The graph in the center is called Your Basic Graph. This graph reflects how you see yourself. It shows how you are most comfortable acting (the real you). Your Basic Graph in the center was used to determine your personality blend as being D/I. The graph on the right is called your Circle Graph and is an at-a-glance view of your Basic Graph. Keep in mind that behavior in your environment is often different than your real personality preferences. This report can give you insights into the dynamics of your personality style. You may exhibit very different personality traits in different situations. That is normal. As you learn to see the patterns in your behavior, you will be able to interact more effectively with others.
Your Environment
Graph (How People See You) |
High High Avg. Above Midline Avg. Below Low Very Low |
53 81 17 54 |
Your Environment Graph shows the way you have learned to function in your environment in order to achieve success. Your environment's requirements and expectations influence why you choose to act the way you do. The way you adapt to your environment can change depending on what you are going through in your life, changing role requirements, or major life-changing events. So, depending on the situation, you may respond with different personality traits to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, your Environment Graph can vary some over time (months or years).
Your Environment Graph is based on answers you selected in the MOST category in the assessment (characteristics MOST like you). Your MOST choices are influenced by your environment. A simple illustration will explain why the Environment Graph comes from your MOST choices. What do you MOST want for dinner tonight? Pizza? Steak? A seafood salad? Your MOST choice for dinner is influenced by your environment. You might order pizza if you are in a hurry. You might choose steak to celebrate a special event. You might choose the seafood salad if you are on a diet. You make similar decisions in your behavior. You may need to be very decisive at work, so your Dominant (D) traits may score higher than they otherwise might in a more relaxed situation. Likewise, if your work requires you to be very exact and careful every day, then you would expect your Cautious (C) traits to score a little higher than they might otherwise. The more "MOST" choices you made for a given DISC type in your assessment, the higher your plotting point for that given DISC type would be in the graph.
Basic Graph ( The Real You) |
High High Avg. Above Midline Avg. Below Low Very Low |
71 68 23 46 |
Circle Graph ( At-a-glance view of your Basic Graph) |
Your Basic Graph shows your natural behavior. It shows how you are "wired" to behave when you are totally at ease. It is also the behavior you will gravitate to when you are under pressure, because it is the response that comes easiest to you. Your personality is built into who you are. You were designed a certain way from birth, before any outside influences occurred. Your natural personality traits vary less over time, because they are not significantly influenced by your environment.
Your Basic Graph is based on the choices you made in the LEAST category in the assessment (characteristics that were LEAST like you). Each time you made a LEAST choice for a given DISC type in your assessment, you indicated that you were least like that trait and the lower your plotting point for that trait would be. Do you remember our dinner illustration from the previous page? What if you were given the dinner choices of pizza, steak, or a seafood salad, but you hated seafood? Chances are good that you would choose seafood as your LEAST desirable choice. You probably would not change that choice, no matter where you were. You are usually very consistent in the things you do not like. Likewise, you are usually consistent in staying away from behaviors that are LEAST comfortable to you when you have a choice.
How many different graphs are there?
Some people associate DISC with only 4 personality styles. However, you are a BLEND of ALL 4 personality traits that each have their own levels. The personality assessment can yield over 39,000 graph combinations. The statistical validity of these reports is about eighty five to ninety percent accurate. For a more in-depth discussion of DISC, or to understand your graphs more completely, please refer to the books Positive Personality Profiles and Who Do You Think You Are, Anyway? by Robert A. Rohm, Ph.D.
Date: ______________________
Review your Discovery Report and write the answers in the following worksheet in your own words.
My Personality Blend is: (page 5) __________
My Strengths are: (page 7)
One Key to Balance and Excellence that will help me is: (page 8)
Something important that I learned about how I work on a team is: (page 9)
Something important that I learned about my communication style is: (pages 12)
Something important that I learned about my priorities and decision style is: (pages 13)
Something I can focus on for professional growth is: (page 14)
Something I can focus on for long-term growth is: (page 15)
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Relationship Feedback Report: This is a free bonus report available for any two people who have Discovery Reports. Learn to work together and relate with each other! This report will show you how! Learn More |
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FREE: Team Charts: Take advantage of our free Team Composite Chart tool to get an at-a-glance view of your group. Take the mystery out of how you interact together. Great for any group that needs to work together or understand more about each other.Learn More |
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Reports for Adults: We offer a full line of personality reports for adults ranging from short, concise versions to full-length versions with 50 or more pages. Learn More |
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Reports for Teens: The full-length version is over 50 pages of highly accurate and easy-to-understand information. This vocational aspect of this report is great for teens trying to figure out their strengths and how to leverage them for a future career. There is also a concise version of the report available. Learn More |
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Reports for Children: This version is for children ages 4-12. The report is over 40 pages in length and contains sections for the child, the child's parents and the child's teacher. There is also a concise version of the report available. Learn More |