About the Discovery Report Team
"The leaders in communication and
relationship development"
Hundreds of Human Behavior Consultants from All Walks of Life
We are
passionate about helping people make sense of relationships and communication.
We are
experts in the fields of business, education, ministry, family and government.
Our resources are borne out
of real life - real struggles - real success - real experience. We are
hundreds of certified human behavior consultants who provide a deep well
of knowledge and experience to shape the resources that we offer.
Fanatical about Clarity and DISC Personality Enthusiasts
We are committed to teaching about relationships and communication
in a way that is clear and practical - even to children.
Personality expert, Robert A. Rohm, Ph.D., has overseen the development
of all core content.
The result? People are able to understand themselves and others,
conflict is reduced , relationships improve and productivity increases. That is why we love the DISC Model of Human Behavior. We believe that we teach DISC in the most clear and helpful ways - with a distinctive flavor your won't find anywhere else.
Positive and Real with a Focus on Personal Strengths
We focus on being positive and uplifting while still being
"real" about the
"blind-spots" that we all have. We want people to know how
to achieve their potential discovering their strengths. We don't stop
there. We also help people address blind spots in their life that can
restrict their growth and productivity. That truly is where "breakthrough"
We use state of the art computer and database
technology to constantly update our content and DISC personality profiles in real
time to keep it fresh and relevant. Our team is always creating new ways
to apply what we teach in practical ways. We have a lot of cool stuff
in the works. Just watch.
Big on Business and Family Friendly
like us because we help them improve their bottom line. We focus on personal development which benefits everyone on a professional and personal level. People call us everyday with stories about how we
have helped with their business or in their marriage or with a friendship. People and relationships
are important across the board, therefore, we are as happy to work
with children as with corporations.
We love what we do, and we have a passion to help
people to understand themselves and others. We hope it shows!
Is there something we can help you with? Would you like to join our team? Let us know. We would
love to hear from you.
